Seafresh is funding community improvement projects in Vietnam to promote sustainable shrimp farming.

Seafresh is directly investing in small fishing communities as a key contributor to the Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA) Community Development Fund.

The fund incentivizes local farmers to adopt sustainable farming methods in exchange for money to support community development projects, which will improve the quality of life for these small seafood producing communities.

The Community Development Fund decides how to spend the funds, using local community input to select projects that are most likely to improve the quality of life of the residents. This community involvement opens the door for MBA’s global conservation team to work with the farmers to adopt more environmentally-sustainable farming practices.

Supporting sustainable fishing in Vietnam

Shrimp farming in Vietnam is the primary source of income for numerous small-scale farmers.

Facing many barriers such as poverty, climate change, economic shocks and debt cycles, while also struggling to access global supply chains means there is little incentive for them to switch to more sustainable farming methods.

Seafresh’s contribution to the Tam Giang Dong commune

Tam Giang Dong Commune, in the Cà Mau province, is a small community of 800 people where shrimp farming is the primary source of income.

The Kenh Tac Ong Thay bridge is essential to the community for access to work, education, healthcare and a community center. Years of traffic across the bridge has caused it to deteriorate, posing safety risks and becoming impassable during the rainy season.

Residents submitted a proposal to the development fund for the reconstruction of the bridge.

Seafresh, along with other industry partners, were able to provide the funding and investment needed to rebuild the bridge, before local contractors were selected by the community. Work began in early-August and is due to finish this fall.

Seafresh Group is happy to take part in this important project that will improve the quality of life and job security of the people living in the Tam Giang Dong commune, while simultaneously improving the sustainability of the industry.

Find out more

Click here to discover how Seafresh is helping shrimp farmers prove that their products meet sustainability standards.